Sunday 22nd March 2020

In light of recent events and the ongoing situation, we want to reassure our followers, supporters and volunteers of what is happening. Safety is our top priority for both humans and birds and we must follow government advice and put measures in place for our operations.

Parrot Trust Scotland is continuing to operate however we are now working in different ways. Our rehoming programme is still open but currently for emergency situations only. What constitutes an emergency situation will be at the discretion of the Board Of Directors. Measures will be put in place to ensure this is done safely.

What does all this mean for your parrot?

There is no evidence as yet to suggest parrots can be affected by the coronavirus, or be carriers. However we recommend that the advice from the government is followed after contact with any pets, as well as persons. Washing your hands thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap and hot water before and after any contact. Do the same when preparing food and cleaning cages etc.

Please ensure you have enough food and medication (if applicable) to do you and your parrot in case you need to self isolate.

Avoid kissing your bird, letting your bird eat from your plate/share food.

What happens if I am unwell?

If you, or someone in your household has symptoms of the virus, then we advise you keep your distance and ask someone else in the house to look after your feathered friend. If this is not an option then keep your distance and do not handle your bird for the time being.

My parrot is unwell, can I take them to the vet?

If you are self isolating and your parrot becomes unwell then please contact your vet in the first instance. They should be able to provide initial help and advice.

We are aware many vets are stopping non-essential services, but will be available for emergencies.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the above, then please contact us using our private messenger or enquiry form on our website. We will endeavour to respond at the earliest convenience. Please note, we are all volunteers in the charity. We have our own day jobs, some within the health service so we respectfully ask you for your patience and understanding at this challenging time.

Stay safe and best wishes to you all.

The Directors
Parrot Trust Scotland